阅读理解 I bought 10 sets of Christmas china that were marked at 75 percent off plus an additional 10 percent.It was an amazing deal.When I got them home, I found they took half a closet to store.I already have nice china I can use at Christmas.I decided it wasn"t worth it to me to use that much space for something that I would only use a couple of times in the year.I took them back and now I have more money in my checking account as well as some luxury towels I have wanted for a long time.I would have saved myself the time of taking the china back if I had figured out beforehand what I really wanted, but it is sometimes hard to decide at the moment.This experience helped me to realize that you can actually save time and money by passing up bargains. The main advantage of getting things on sale is that you can afford luxuries that you can"t afford at regular price.My Christmas tree is covered with beautiful handmade Santa Claus ornaments(装饰物).I found them at a store about 15 months ago and fell in love with them.I imagined how beautiful they would look on my tree.I wanted to buy some, but they were $13 . 95 each.It didn"t fit into our Christmas budget, so I gave up the idea.Through the next few months the price kept dropping until it went down to $2 . 95.When I saw that price, I bought 25 of them right away.I waited another nine months to put them on my tree, but in the end, I got exactly what I wanted for an excellent price.Instead of paying around $350, I ended up paying around $75.Patience paid off. (1) Why did the writer take the sets of china she had bought back to the shop? [ ] A. Because they were of poor quality. B. Because they were too expensive. C. Because they were of no practical use for her. D. Because they covered too much room. (2) The underlined phrase “ passing up ” in the first paragraph probably means ________. [ ] A. giving in to B. letting go by C. passing away D. catching up (3) The author writes the passage in order to teach readers ________. [ ] A. how to avoid unwise deal B. when to go bargain hunting C. how to make your budget D. when to get what you are eager for (4) Which of the following statements is true according to the text? [ ] A. The writer prefers to buy what is needed at the superstore at a bargain price. B. The writer likes things on sale which are of high quality. C. The writer paid about $75 for a Christmas tree with beautiful ornaments. D. Patience led to the writer"s success in getting what his family would like.
1.D;2.B;3.A;4.B; 解析:(1) | 细节题。根据第1段I found they took half a closet to store…I took them back…可知她把东西送回去主要是因为它们太占地方了。 |
(2) | 词义理解题。根据第1段…save time and money by passing up bargains可知passing up在这里意思是“放弃,放过”,即放弃讨价还价可以节约时间当然也节约金钱了。 |
(3) | 主旨大意题。本文作者主要谈论了如何在既节约时间又节约金钱的情况下购得心仪的商品,因此选择A“怎样避免不明智的购物”最符合文章大意。 |
(4) | 解析:细节归纳题。根据第2段作者购物的具体描述可见她购物是比较明智的,即不买贵的而买对的(物超所值的)。 文章大意:也许是天性,女人都喜欢购物,但购物也是有学问的,本文作者以亲身经历介绍了怎样在节约时间又节约金钱的情况下购得有价值的东西。 |
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